New Growth

I planted a second round of seeds about a week ago, because I planted the first round much too early and they froze. Today I noticed tiny green spindles poking out from the dirt, slowly turning their leaves up toward the sun.

Some lives are like that too, I think.

Sometimes I feel like the seeds I'm planting in people's lives quickly die, like the words I speak are swiftly washed away by the wind of corporate life. But then I remember that sometimes the soil isn't ready. A second round of planting is in order.

My cat violet will only eat soft food, so I have to carefully mix in the hard food so that she will accidently eat it with the soft, and again I think, some lives are like that too. If I only speak harsh truth, no one can swallow it. I have to coat it in layers of love and understanding so that the truth goes down easier, almost by accident.

Spring is so alive and beautiful. The flowers are blooming, babies are being born, and lives are starting to green up and flower. From dead bark bursts new branches, and it makes me hopeful. Perhaps the last couple years have not been a waste.

Perhaps nothing is ever a waste.

I keep reminding myself that Jesus, Mother Teresa, and my mom never climbed the corporate ladder, and they are people that I hope to have just a little in common with. I try to remind myself of what is important so that the branches will grow in the right direction and i will have to do less pruning later on.
And I'm reminded that beauty has so much to do with growth, and so little to do with my eyeshadow. If He takes care of the flowers and the birds, and a tiny deaf kitten, He'll take care of me.

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1 comment:

MommyH said...

beautiful writing kate :) sarah saw your message to me, and i told her that you all live in champlain. you should be facebook friends :) sarah hall. love you kate!

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