Get a Move On

In August I am walking the 3-day again.  Though it's a lot of fun, it's also difficult.  Raising that much money is hard.  Walking 60 miles and sleeping in a tiny pink tent at night is hard.  Drinking a ton of water and not peeing your pants is hard. :)  

I am really excited to be walking with both my mom and my sister this year, but there is just one problem.  We haven't even begun training yet! Uh oh!  

I know it may seem silly to train for walking, but it really takes a toll on your feet, and if you get shin splints like me, it's not altogether gentle on your legs either.  We train in the shoes we'll be wearing so that we have some semblance of skin left when we're done.  The less prepared and less lucky have feet that resemble ground beef when they are done, and I'd like to stay out of that camp.

As soon as this rainy weather is done, I'll be out there with my brand new, beautiful, fitted tennis.  They are amazing, and cute!  Maybe I'll show you all a picture once I start walking.

In other news, my sweet pea Camryn is a year old today!  It amazes me that time passes so quickly.  Cam is on the cusp of walking and babbles at me when she sees me.  I love it.  She can't really talk, but she's great at imitating the tonal quality of what you're saying.  It's the cutest.

In other, other news, Steph is getting married SO soon.  I am so excited for her to start this next chapter in her life.  It will be amazing, for sure.  Marriage is such a blessing!  I can't wait to see her say I do!  And to wear my BEAUTIFUL bridesmaid dress!  It will be an amazing day.  

Hope today is an amazing day for you!

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