Why I Hate/Love Facebook

Oh Facebook!  I hate/love thee! 

I hate how you have turned me into a stalker.  People who I have not thought of even remotely in years suddenly interest me.  I need to know everything about them!  Why I care about who they are with or what they do to make money is beyond me, oh powerful Facebook. 

I hate that you make no difference in the world.  I am no better for using you.  You waste my time and have crept in on my precious lunch hour.  You are truly evil.

I hate how people I never knew well think they are my friends.  Perhaps I should be flattered, but I am not.  I am disgusted.  How can they think I will accept? 

Which brings me to....I love that I can reject friendships with people with whom I am not friends.  I get a horrible satisfaction from this.  This probably means that I, too, am evil.  How you have corrupted me, Facebook.

I love how you connect me with friends who are far away and make me feel like I know what's going on in their lives.  I love pictures of their weddings, babies, and vacations.

I love how you make managing people at work so easy.  It is just so easy to get ahold of students since they are always connected to you.  You are a much better communicator than I, Facebook. 

Oh Facebook.  I wish you would die, but I would cry at your funeral. 

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Unknown said...

Agreed on all accounts.

Time suck that it is.

PS I cleaned out a closet and I found a bunch of I got married and had a baby cards... there was one from you, "fine go live with a boy..." hehehe. You live with one too now! (and I live with two!)

MommyH said...

Yay!!! You are writing in the blog!!! I love it b/c I miss you so much. Yes, I wish I could be one of those ppl who didn't need FB, but alas, I am not that good. Oh, well.

amanda said...

Kate! I miss hearing these beautiful rants daily. Love it. It's soo true. I too wish it would die, but would also cry. You made me smile today. :)

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